Clinical and Forensic Treatment

Clinical Services

Mental Health Treatment

We provide a comprehensive approach to the assessment and treatment of a range of mental health conditions.

Assessment and Diagnosis

In the early stages of treatment, we work with each client to define the precise nature of their current concerns and to understand their goals and therapeutic needs. As part of this process, we may utilise a range of assessment measures and psychometric tests in order to complete a comprehensive clinical assessment. The aim is to form a clear diagnosis and problem conceptualisation, which lays the foundation for achieving significant and lasting therapeutic results.

Treatment Approaches

We offer treatment using a range of evidence-based modalities that follow the latest best-practice guidelines. All treatment approaches are tailed to the specific needs of the client, but may involve one or more of the following:

  • Cognitive Behavioural Therapy

  • Acceptance and Commitment Therapy

  • Schema Therapy

  • Emotion-Focused Therapy

  • Motivational Interviewing

  • Interpersonal Therapy

  • Dialectical Behavioural Therapy

  • Skills training

  • Mindfulness-based therapy

  • Relaxation Training

Mental Health Conditions

We provide treatment and management for a broad range of clinical disorders and syndromes. Our areas of expertise include:

  • Depressive disorders

  • Anxiety disorders

  • Traumatic Stress and Complex Trauma (PTSD)

  • Personality Disorders

  • Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

  • Sleep disturbances and disorders

  • Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

  • Eating disorders

  • Dissociative Disorders

  • Behavioural addictions

  • Sexual dysfunction and paraphilic disorders

  • Self-Esteem and identity issues

  • Post-Natal Depression

  • Grief and Bereavement

  • Anger Related Issues

We provide a safe, respectful environment which is responsive to diversity in age, culture, gender, sexuality, viewpoint, ability, neurodiversity and personality.

Our forensic psychological services are targeted toward adults at all stages of the criminal justice process including prior to receiving charges, prior to a plea, in fulfilment of community-based orders, during imprisonment (when available) and parole, and after sentencing is completed. We utilise evidence-based rehabilitative interventions aimed at reducing risk of reoffending.

Forensic Services

“Men To Be” Group Programs

“Men To Be” is a comprehensive group program tailored to adult men seeking to address problematic behaviour. Our programs support participants in identifying and addressing the underlying causes of their behaviour; learning the skills needed to address problems and personally flourish; and promotes a responsible and meaningful life in the community.

Individual Sex Offender Treatment

Our Individual Sex Offender Treatment Program provides specialised treatment of individuals who have engaged (or are at risk of engaging) in unwanted sexual behaviour. We use offence-specific interventions aimed at enhancing personal responsibility for sexual behaviour and reducing risk of repeated misconduct. We provide treatment for online and offline sexual behaviour directed towards adults and children, whether the behaviour has resulted in criminal charges or not.

Violent Offender Treatment

Our violent offender treatment focuses on addressing psychological issues that contribute to violence, such as emotional dysregulation, substance use, interpersonal difficulties, traumatic experiences, enabling attitudes, and mental health problems. Relevant offences include assaults, affray, family violence, stalking and harassment, violence related to drugs and alcohol, use of weapons, and other forms of violence.

Offence-specific Treatment

Our offence-specific treatment is focused on addressing specific psychological issues associated with an offence. We are experienced in dealing with a broad range of criminal offences, including theft, fraud, and other “white collar” offences. We base our treatment approach on a thorough assessment and clinical formulation of offence-relevant clinical problems and criminogenic factors.

Forensic Assessment

We provide comprehensive forensic assessments for a range of client presentations and offence patterns, including risk assessments. We follow the latest court practice notes and provide written and oral evidence in court to assist courts in their decision making.

Professional Issues

When professionals undergo disciplinary processes, psychological intervention can be utilised to address the concerns raised by professional bodies. Our team is experienced in dealing with a range of professional bodies including the boards governing medical professionals, psychologists, teachers, accountants, real estate agents, church ministry applicants, immigration, and Working With Children Checks.

Our approach aligns with the Australian national aim to “build support programs that prevent offending, intervene before offending occurs and reduce repeat offending.”
(National Strategy, pg. 46).